Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anthony Murder Case

I have only followed the case about once a week and I know that she is guilty.....of something. Even if she didn't actually kill her daughter, she had something to do with hiding it. In my mind, she is guilty of some degree of manslaughter. I have 2 kids of my own that are 21 and 25. Two stepchildren, that I have raised for the last 15yrs, that are 25 and 32. They have all had frustrations with their children, but you do not kill them. I understand that the court go by "within a reasonable doubt" but come, lets be real. She didn't cry over her daughter and was livin it up.

I live in Wyoming and in the old west days, she would have been hung, even for neglect and letting her daughter die in the pool. This pisses me off.

I only believe in abortion under certain circumstances. To me, this a form of abortion several years later after she realized that she can not handle being a mother. Anthony should have thought about it earlier.

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