Monday, February 28, 2011

Tax refund fraud......BEWARE

I have used Turbo Tax to file my taxes for several years with great success. I think that most people do, but the hackers know this too. I have been receiving several emails daily stating that I need to verify my deposit. The title of the email states tax deposit verification needed. Do Not even open the email. Tax preparer services do not work this way. If there is any verification needed, it is done through their secure website.

I recently applied for a job online with the United States Post Office ( and then received an email from stating to open the attached letter. Big mistake. It was a virus. Some how someone is watching my emails to know what I am doing. It is scary to know that someone is watching our ever move. Basically, if you do not know exactly who the emails are from, DO NOT OPEN IT.

Eat Pray Love

I have heard a lot about this movie and was not really interested in watching it. Then my husband mentioned it, so I ordered it through Netflix. It was a great movie. I feel that every woman in the world can relate to the character. In my opinion, this is something that every woman needs to do, except most of us do not have the money or resources. For those of us that can not afford the journey, this movie allows us to experience the life awakening adventure. Since the beginning of time, women and men get caught up in pleasing everyone else and doing the right thing. Mean while, we loose ourself. We tend to focus on things we think are important but really are not. It is an eye opening movie that you must watch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My mother sent me some of these books in the series and they are so good, I had to buy the rest. Terry Johnson writes about various battles that occurred while trying to settle the west. He researchs history and writes about actual events. He adds a few fictional characters. My husband has been telling everyone about these and they get loaned out as soon as we are finished reading.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gran Torino

This is my all time favorite movie. I have always loved Clint Eastwood movies and have most of them. This movie tells a heart felt story of how friendship can overcome prejudice. And how one old vet learns the real meaning of love. If you are or know of any old vets, you will be able to relate to this movie.

It is a must watch.

Weather drama....

The weather is something everyone can rant about. It doesn’t matter where you live, right now it is bad everywhere. It has been snowing for 3 days with high winds; nothing was ever mentioned on the national news regarding us. The problem I have is that the news only gives attention to the east coast. I live in Wyoming and we have had the same weather in the past and it was never important to the rest of the country.

Currently the national news has mentioned about our extremely cold temperatures. That is putting it mildly. The big thing that people do not think about is the wind. When you have extreme temperatures, high winds and open ranges, this is what you can call dangerous. The difference is; the people that live in these remote, rural areas cope better. It is just like some people from California complaining about coal burning for energy. Currently it is -25 degrees and I have been burning a lot of coal to keep warm. It is a natural product from the earth, it burns hotter and longer than wood, and it is free from my husband work.

I am originally from Indiana. When I was a child, we had winters similar to Wyoming. My children grew up in Indiana and they never saw the type of winters like I did. The fact is; the weather everywhere is dramatically changing. Does this have anything to do with Global warming? Maybe or maybe not. Either way, I am proud to be in an area where we do not whine about the weather.

What is comes down to is, if you do not like the climate, then move.
My Zimbio
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