Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The truth about weightloss

Are you trying to lose weight and are at your wits end? Well I know how you feel. I have been in the same rut for years. There are so many commercials and links saying you can lose massive weight quickly without changing your lifestyle or eating habits. If you look at the small print, it does state that results are not typical and for maximum benefits, a balanced diet and exercise is recommended. Well, if you eat right and exercise, that alone will help. Granted there are various pills; which I have taken, that give you a boost of energy and help curb your appetite. For me, the biggest obstacle is having the energy to get up and moving. My success has been from using Mega Green Tea that I bought from Wal-Mart. It doesn’t give me a wired up feeling, just a steady flow of energy and curbs my appetite. Living in rural Wyoming in the winter is also a major problem. It is difficult to get outside much, so I try to focus on my inside home improvements that keep me moving. I am not going to lie, it is difficult and I could not do it without my green tea. Another helpful tool is Dr. Oz. If you only watch one show a day, make if Dr. Oz. He also has a great website with all the tools and tips to help. I really like him because he is real; relates to the average woman. Most other doctor shows do not get down to the dirty truth about subjects. He kind of has the same attitude that my husband does; which is sustained aerobic activity. The only difference is; Dr. Oz encourages healthy eating. As far as eating healthy, it is expensive. Fresh vegetables are expensive and hard to come by in my area. Some of my tricks are to eat canned or frozen. Limiting processed foods is important but yet hard to do. Just do the best you can and it will make a difference. I feel so much better and cleaner when I eat very little processed foods. They seem to bind me up, which is not healthy or good feeling. Basically what it comes down to is doing the best you can with what you have. Start out small and work up. A drastic change will be hard to sustain and you will feel like you are being punished. All I ask is please don’t buy into those quick result schemes. They are either a fraud or unhealthy. And find a support system, even if it is yourself. My friend put post it notes all over her house, even in the fridge. I worked for her.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mesothelioma Claims

There are so many ads from lawyers offering to get people settlements in Mesothelioma cases. They state that if you or a loved one has died from Mesothelioma, they can get you a cash settlement. There are several other ads such as these about other illnesses and drug reactions. It just shows that these lawyers have nothing better to do than to take advantage of the public. Just like ambulance chasers. When it comes to Mesothelioma, this is any exposure to asbestos and this was a substance that was in just about everything in the 40’s and 50’s. This is a just a part of life and should not something exploited. At the time, it was a necessity in building and insulation. It was the same with lead in the paint as a preservative. It is a part of progress. This is why there are so many scientists are always trying to invent new chemical composites to improve our safety. If we really think about it, researchers supposedly can link any illness or disease to a chemical, drug or environment. The only way not to get a life threatening illness is to not live. In my experience, there has been family members that have lived a perfect life; without drugs, alcohol or smoking. They worked in a general safe environment and still had cancer, strokes and heart disease; even at an early age. On the other hand, there are people that live dangerously; by smoking, drinking and eating poorly, and are fairly healthy into their late years. Mesothelioma and other serious illnesses are very real, but blaming society and the environment is not the answer. It will not cure the problem. If you are considering contacting any of these advertisements, please do your research and don’t get your hopes up.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is a real Politician?

What is the definition of a politician? Does it mean flawless, not having emotions or better than everyone else? NO, it does not. But that is how is seems. No matter what political race it is, there is always trash getting thrown. Let’s face it, everyone is human and we all make mistakes. Whether we learn from these mistakes or not is the important thing. I am not saying that we need to ignore some of the issues that arise during a political race, just judge them accordingly. It would be great if we could find a person that represented the average American citizen. But if we could, why would they be in politics. Just like the news about Herman Cain, who really cares? Money can buy anyone. There will always be someone coming out of the closet to expose some sort of misappropriate behavior. When it really comes down to it, the average person does not have any say so in who wins. By all means, I am not saying that we shouldn’t vote, but I question how much of a difference it really makes. Do we even have any good candidates running? You decide.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dangerous bullying

Bullying has been part of society since the beginning of time. It ranges from animals to humans in every aspect of life. Bullying is a natural way of showing dominance. Animals do it to earn the affection of a potential mate and to be leader of the pack. This proves that humans are much like animals. Through evolution, bullying has progressed into an out of control problem in the world. This problem exist in corporate America were executives use bullying to succeed and get higher within a company. It is also used as a tactic for a business to dominate a market and increase profits. This is controlled by greed and is often misrepresented as a type of bullying, but it is. Spouse’s typically doing this is a way to get submission from their partner. Today, it is called domestic abuse. When children grow up in an environment like this, they grow up to be bully’s also. People use this tactic to get everyone around them to do exactly what they want them to do. I used to call this being a spoiled brat. But with all the attention bullying has been getting, I have had a chance to reflect on situations and realize what they really were. If everyone would take a few minutes to think about various situations in their lives, they would realize that we all are affected by some type of bullying. It is time to change this. Living is a cyber space world; there are too many ways to do severe damage to a person, especially children. Generally, when someone mentions “bullying”, a person thinks of children fighting. But, it goes much farther than that. There is usually not a specific reason that a child is targeted. Everyone is different in many ways, but a bully can find the smallest difference. If not, they will make up a reason to target another child. This is the most serious and deadly type of bully and it needs to stop. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children right from wrong, compassion and humanity. Being involved in their lives is the first step to eliminating any negative behavior which could lead to bullying or being a victim of bullying. Children that come from bully parents become bullies themselves. When this becomes a problem, parents usually dismiss or make excuses saying, “Kids will be kids.” This is unacceptable and we need to start holding parents responsible for the actions of their children. Every day in the news, there is another case of bullying that has gotten out of hand. Generally it does not get into the news until a child takes their own life. This is way too late. We are supposed to be a civilized society but, by allow bullying to escalate to this point makes us uncivilized. Since we cannot control how others raise their children, we need to be sure that our children know how to handle a bully. The most important ways we can do this are; talking with them and making them feel comfortable talking to us as parents. Know the warning signs; such as being withdrawn, change in grades and mood swings. Our children are our future and we need to protect them. There need to be certain laws in place to address bullying. In my opinion, parents should be punished along with the child doing the bullying. It could range from reversing the situation so that the child knows how it feels to time in a detention facility; depending on the severity. The time is now to make a change, before another child takes their own life. Please talk to your children about this and make sure they have the tools to overcome a difficult situation. I came across a great website that we need to share with everyone. www.standtogether.us
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