Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The truth about weightloss

Are you trying to lose weight and are at your wits end? Well I know how you feel. I have been in the same rut for years. There are so many commercials and links saying you can lose massive weight quickly without changing your lifestyle or eating habits. If you look at the small print, it does state that results are not typical and for maximum benefits, a balanced diet and exercise is recommended. Well, if you eat right and exercise, that alone will help. Granted there are various pills; which I have taken, that give you a boost of energy and help curb your appetite. For me, the biggest obstacle is having the energy to get up and moving. My success has been from using Mega Green Tea that I bought from Wal-Mart. It doesn’t give me a wired up feeling, just a steady flow of energy and curbs my appetite. Living in rural Wyoming in the winter is also a major problem. It is difficult to get outside much, so I try to focus on my inside home improvements that keep me moving. I am not going to lie, it is difficult and I could not do it without my green tea. Another helpful tool is Dr. Oz. If you only watch one show a day, make if Dr. Oz. He also has a great website with all the tools and tips to help. I really like him because he is real; relates to the average woman. Most other doctor shows do not get down to the dirty truth about subjects. He kind of has the same attitude that my husband does; which is sustained aerobic activity. The only difference is; Dr. Oz encourages healthy eating. As far as eating healthy, it is expensive. Fresh vegetables are expensive and hard to come by in my area. Some of my tricks are to eat canned or frozen. Limiting processed foods is important but yet hard to do. Just do the best you can and it will make a difference. I feel so much better and cleaner when I eat very little processed foods. They seem to bind me up, which is not healthy or good feeling. Basically what it comes down to is doing the best you can with what you have. Start out small and work up. A drastic change will be hard to sustain and you will feel like you are being punished. All I ask is please don’t buy into those quick result schemes. They are either a fraud or unhealthy. And find a support system, even if it is yourself. My friend put post it notes all over her house, even in the fridge. I worked for her.

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