Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is a real Politician?

What is the definition of a politician? Does it mean flawless, not having emotions or better than everyone else? NO, it does not. But that is how is seems. No matter what political race it is, there is always trash getting thrown. Let’s face it, everyone is human and we all make mistakes. Whether we learn from these mistakes or not is the important thing. I am not saying that we need to ignore some of the issues that arise during a political race, just judge them accordingly. It would be great if we could find a person that represented the average American citizen. But if we could, why would they be in politics. Just like the news about Herman Cain, who really cares? Money can buy anyone. There will always be someone coming out of the closet to expose some sort of misappropriate behavior. When it really comes down to it, the average person does not have any say so in who wins. By all means, I am not saying that we shouldn’t vote, but I question how much of a difference it really makes. Do we even have any good candidates running? You decide.

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