Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The truth about weightloss

Are you trying to lose weight and are at your wits end? Well I know how you feel. I have been in the same rut for years. There are so many commercials and links saying you can lose massive weight quickly without changing your lifestyle or eating habits. If you look at the small print, it does state that results are not typical and for maximum benefits, a balanced diet and exercise is recommended. Well, if you eat right and exercise, that alone will help. Granted there are various pills; which I have taken, that give you a boost of energy and help curb your appetite. For me, the biggest obstacle is having the energy to get up and moving. My success has been from using Mega Green Tea that I bought from Wal-Mart. It doesn’t give me a wired up feeling, just a steady flow of energy and curbs my appetite. Living in rural Wyoming in the winter is also a major problem. It is difficult to get outside much, so I try to focus on my inside home improvements that keep me moving. I am not going to lie, it is difficult and I could not do it without my green tea. Another helpful tool is Dr. Oz. If you only watch one show a day, make if Dr. Oz. He also has a great website with all the tools and tips to help. I really like him because he is real; relates to the average woman. Most other doctor shows do not get down to the dirty truth about subjects. He kind of has the same attitude that my husband does; which is sustained aerobic activity. The only difference is; Dr. Oz encourages healthy eating. As far as eating healthy, it is expensive. Fresh vegetables are expensive and hard to come by in my area. Some of my tricks are to eat canned or frozen. Limiting processed foods is important but yet hard to do. Just do the best you can and it will make a difference. I feel so much better and cleaner when I eat very little processed foods. They seem to bind me up, which is not healthy or good feeling. Basically what it comes down to is doing the best you can with what you have. Start out small and work up. A drastic change will be hard to sustain and you will feel like you are being punished. All I ask is please don’t buy into those quick result schemes. They are either a fraud or unhealthy. And find a support system, even if it is yourself. My friend put post it notes all over her house, even in the fridge. I worked for her.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mesothelioma Claims

There are so many ads from lawyers offering to get people settlements in Mesothelioma cases. They state that if you or a loved one has died from Mesothelioma, they can get you a cash settlement. There are several other ads such as these about other illnesses and drug reactions. It just shows that these lawyers have nothing better to do than to take advantage of the public. Just like ambulance chasers. When it comes to Mesothelioma, this is any exposure to asbestos and this was a substance that was in just about everything in the 40’s and 50’s. This is a just a part of life and should not something exploited. At the time, it was a necessity in building and insulation. It was the same with lead in the paint as a preservative. It is a part of progress. This is why there are so many scientists are always trying to invent new chemical composites to improve our safety. If we really think about it, researchers supposedly can link any illness or disease to a chemical, drug or environment. The only way not to get a life threatening illness is to not live. In my experience, there has been family members that have lived a perfect life; without drugs, alcohol or smoking. They worked in a general safe environment and still had cancer, strokes and heart disease; even at an early age. On the other hand, there are people that live dangerously; by smoking, drinking and eating poorly, and are fairly healthy into their late years. Mesothelioma and other serious illnesses are very real, but blaming society and the environment is not the answer. It will not cure the problem. If you are considering contacting any of these advertisements, please do your research and don’t get your hopes up.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is a real Politician?

What is the definition of a politician? Does it mean flawless, not having emotions or better than everyone else? NO, it does not. But that is how is seems. No matter what political race it is, there is always trash getting thrown. Let’s face it, everyone is human and we all make mistakes. Whether we learn from these mistakes or not is the important thing. I am not saying that we need to ignore some of the issues that arise during a political race, just judge them accordingly. It would be great if we could find a person that represented the average American citizen. But if we could, why would they be in politics. Just like the news about Herman Cain, who really cares? Money can buy anyone. There will always be someone coming out of the closet to expose some sort of misappropriate behavior. When it really comes down to it, the average person does not have any say so in who wins. By all means, I am not saying that we shouldn’t vote, but I question how much of a difference it really makes. Do we even have any good candidates running? You decide.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dangerous bullying

Bullying has been part of society since the beginning of time. It ranges from animals to humans in every aspect of life. Bullying is a natural way of showing dominance. Animals do it to earn the affection of a potential mate and to be leader of the pack. This proves that humans are much like animals. Through evolution, bullying has progressed into an out of control problem in the world. This problem exist in corporate America were executives use bullying to succeed and get higher within a company. It is also used as a tactic for a business to dominate a market and increase profits. This is controlled by greed and is often misrepresented as a type of bullying, but it is. Spouse’s typically doing this is a way to get submission from their partner. Today, it is called domestic abuse. When children grow up in an environment like this, they grow up to be bully’s also. People use this tactic to get everyone around them to do exactly what they want them to do. I used to call this being a spoiled brat. But with all the attention bullying has been getting, I have had a chance to reflect on situations and realize what they really were. If everyone would take a few minutes to think about various situations in their lives, they would realize that we all are affected by some type of bullying. It is time to change this. Living is a cyber space world; there are too many ways to do severe damage to a person, especially children. Generally, when someone mentions “bullying”, a person thinks of children fighting. But, it goes much farther than that. There is usually not a specific reason that a child is targeted. Everyone is different in many ways, but a bully can find the smallest difference. If not, they will make up a reason to target another child. This is the most serious and deadly type of bully and it needs to stop. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children right from wrong, compassion and humanity. Being involved in their lives is the first step to eliminating any negative behavior which could lead to bullying or being a victim of bullying. Children that come from bully parents become bullies themselves. When this becomes a problem, parents usually dismiss or make excuses saying, “Kids will be kids.” This is unacceptable and we need to start holding parents responsible for the actions of their children. Every day in the news, there is another case of bullying that has gotten out of hand. Generally it does not get into the news until a child takes their own life. This is way too late. We are supposed to be a civilized society but, by allow bullying to escalate to this point makes us uncivilized. Since we cannot control how others raise their children, we need to be sure that our children know how to handle a bully. The most important ways we can do this are; talking with them and making them feel comfortable talking to us as parents. Know the warning signs; such as being withdrawn, change in grades and mood swings. Our children are our future and we need to protect them. There need to be certain laws in place to address bullying. In my opinion, parents should be punished along with the child doing the bullying. It could range from reversing the situation so that the child knows how it feels to time in a detention facility; depending on the severity. The time is now to make a change, before another child takes their own life. Please talk to your children about this and make sure they have the tools to overcome a difficult situation. I came across a great website that we need to share with everyone. www.standtogether.us

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Anthony Murder Case

I have only followed the case about once a week and I know that she is guilty.....of something. Even if she didn't actually kill her daughter, she had something to do with hiding it. In my mind, she is guilty of some degree of manslaughter. I have 2 kids of my own that are 21 and 25. Two stepchildren, that I have raised for the last 15yrs, that are 25 and 32. They have all had frustrations with their children, but you do not kill them. I understand that the court go by "within a reasonable doubt" but come, lets be real. She didn't cry over her daughter and was livin it up.

I live in Wyoming and in the old west days, she would have been hung, even for neglect and letting her daughter die in the pool. This pisses me off.

I only believe in abortion under certain circumstances. To me, this a form of abortion several years later after she realized that she can not handle being a mother. Anthony should have thought about it earlier.

What do you think

Monday, May 30, 2011

At my wits end...

You know that saying,"a marriage will ruin a great relationship," well it is true. We are approaching our 1st anniversary and we might not make it. Our relationship is fine except for my 25yr old stepson. After 15yrs together my husband still lets him disrespect me in my own home and myself and my kids for everything. When it is time to grow up?

My stepson has always treated my badly, except when he whats something. Now that we are married, he thinks that I am going take everything his inheritance away. I hadn't planned on it, until now. He doesn't live here and still thinks this is his house and not mine.

Last weekend he left his 2 dogs at my our house to tear everything up. When everything blew up, he attacked my 25yr son "that was visiting" and said it was his fault.

I guess when he tried to ruin our wedding, I thought it would blow over. I just don't know what to do anymore. If I leave, he wins. And why should I give up the love of my life for a spoiled little brat?

My husband has one last chance to straighten this out and stand up to his son.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This is great news, but how many times do they need to tell us? So far the news has repeated it for over 2hrs. Now they are talking about people wanting to see the body to believe it. There will always be someone to replace Osama. I am extremely grateful to our service men that finally accomplished this, we all know this is not the end.
My nephew was in the unit that killed Suddam's son's. They thought that it would make a difference, but it did not. His is still going thru counseling.
All we can do is hope.....and wish for the best.

Friday, April 29, 2011

I am back.....

I had a death in the family, so I have been gone for awhile. Tonight is the first time I have had to relax in weeks. The only thing on TV is the Royal Wedding. I think it is great but even though it looks like a fairy tale, I am sure that it is not. They look beautiful together but I am worried that the politics of the palace will kill them, just like Diana.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


There is another virus going around. In my spam box was 4 emails from "FedEx notice". It only contains a zip file to open......do not open it, it is a virus.

I started browsing in private so that web pages can't store my info. I thought is might be because I get a lot of legit UPS tracking emails from purchases.

Be very careful and safe surfing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Emergency Essentials.....

exactly that.

Since we live in extremely rural Wyoming with unpredictable weather, we thought to get stocked up on some emergency items. We had MRE's from when my husband was in the Army, but we used several while camping and others I wasn't sure about how old the were. After searching the internet, I found the Emergency Essentials website and placed an order. Later, I came back and found this food analyzer. It is free and awesome to use. It walks you thru the steps of listing what you have in your pantry and what you would like. It will tell you if you are missing needed vitamins and minerals with recommendations.

When complete, the analyzer list how long the food will last, what you are missing and when to place another order. It kinda looks like a food package label with nutritional info.

You should really check it out, it is eye opening.

Gift Card Giveaway

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tax refund fraud......BEWARE

I have used Turbo Tax to file my taxes for several years with great success. I think that most people do, but the hackers know this too. I have been receiving several emails daily stating that I need to verify my deposit. The title of the email states tax deposit verification needed. Do Not even open the email. Tax preparer services do not work this way. If there is any verification needed, it is done through their secure website.

I recently applied for a job online with the United States Post Office (USPS.gov) and then received an email from USPS.org stating to open the attached letter. Big mistake. It was a virus. Some how someone is watching my emails to know what I am doing. It is scary to know that someone is watching our ever move. Basically, if you do not know exactly who the emails are from, DO NOT OPEN IT.

Eat Pray Love

I have heard a lot about this movie and was not really interested in watching it. Then my husband mentioned it, so I ordered it through Netflix. It was a great movie. I feel that every woman in the world can relate to the character. In my opinion, this is something that every woman needs to do, except most of us do not have the money or resources. For those of us that can not afford the journey, this movie allows us to experience the life awakening adventure. Since the beginning of time, women and men get caught up in pleasing everyone else and doing the right thing. Mean while, we loose ourself. We tend to focus on things we think are important but really are not. It is an eye opening movie that you must watch.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My mother sent me some of these books in the series and they are so good, I had to buy the rest. Terry Johnson writes about various battles that occurred while trying to settle the west. He researchs history and writes about actual events. He adds a few fictional characters. My husband has been telling everyone about these and they get loaned out as soon as we are finished reading.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Gran Torino

This is my all time favorite movie. I have always loved Clint Eastwood movies and have most of them. This movie tells a heart felt story of how friendship can overcome prejudice. And how one old vet learns the real meaning of love. If you are or know of any old vets, you will be able to relate to this movie.

It is a must watch.

Weather drama....

The weather is something everyone can rant about. It doesn’t matter where you live, right now it is bad everywhere. It has been snowing for 3 days with high winds; nothing was ever mentioned on the national news regarding us. The problem I have is that the news only gives attention to the east coast. I live in Wyoming and we have had the same weather in the past and it was never important to the rest of the country.

Currently the national news has mentioned about our extremely cold temperatures. That is putting it mildly. The big thing that people do not think about is the wind. When you have extreme temperatures, high winds and open ranges, this is what you can call dangerous. The difference is; the people that live in these remote, rural areas cope better. It is just like some people from California complaining about coal burning for energy. Currently it is -25 degrees and I have been burning a lot of coal to keep warm. It is a natural product from the earth, it burns hotter and longer than wood, and it is free from my husband work.

I am originally from Indiana. When I was a child, we had winters similar to Wyoming. My children grew up in Indiana and they never saw the type of winters like I did. The fact is; the weather everywhere is dramatically changing. Does this have anything to do with Global warming? Maybe or maybe not. Either way, I am proud to be in an area where we do not whine about the weather.

What is comes down to is, if you do not like the climate, then move.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I just read an article at http://blog.movies.yahoo.com/blog/432-netflix-is-abandoning-dvds-customers-who-prefer-dvds, about how Netflix is leaning away from mailing DVD's. This makes sense money wise, but it will hurt the people that are not online.

As a business person, I understand the streaming idea, but they will loose the profits from families that are not online. What do you think?

Magic Jack

The Magic Jack is a great concept. Having phone service that only cost $20 a year is a dream come true. I did purchase a Magic Jack. There are a few things to think about before purchasing one. The computer that it will be connected to; must be a high speed and working to top performance. Check with your internet provider in regards to the allotted amount of access available to you. Some providers have restrictions.

Before buying, log on to MajicJack.com and find out if there are numbers available for your area. This is a mistake that I had made. After receiving my Magic Jack, I found out that the number that I would be assigned was not a local number. This was totally understandable since I live in an extremely rural area of Wyoming. This was not going to work since our friends in town would be calling long distance and the number we currently have is in sequential order and easy to remember.

I did really consider keeping it since my family from Indiana would be calling us long distance either way. Most of them have free long distance from their cell phones, so they call me. The majority of the calls I receive are local. Basically, I wish we could do away with our landline all together. I am not a phone talker. We do have cell phones, but we do not get reception at our house.

Ultimately, I did return the Magic Jack and got my money back. For anyone living in a larger area with a good running computer, this would be a great investment.

Fun and legit work

I finally found a website that I be creative and earn a few bucks. It isn’t a get rich quick scam. The site is owned by Amazon.com and it is legit. It is called Mechanical Turk (mturk.com) and various people and sites list assignments to be completed for a small amount of money. Most of the hits are short and easy. The money made can either be transferred to your bank account or used to purchase items on Amazon.

A few of the assignments that I have completed are surveys and research groups. There is everything from translating to categorizing items. Writing product reviews is one of my favorites. There are several hits for large and small articles to be written. When I get better, I plan to start tackling some of the big articles; these usually pay $3 to $7.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Finally....relief from wasted water

In our house we have been wasting a lot of water because the hot water heater is at the opposite end of the house. Having instant hot water has always been a dream. Water conservation is very important to us as it should be to everyone. I stumbled on an interesting website: http://www.hotwaterlobster.com.

I never heard of this product before but after reading how it works, I ordered one and can’t wait to try it out. Since The Hot Water Lobster Instant Hot Water Valve works on the principle of thermal convection, there is not additional electricity used from a pump. They offer an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee, so there is no risk.

If you are looking to save money, water and time; you have to check this out.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Are social site's worth it?


I can be very impersonal, but if I want someone to know something important about me or my life, I will call them. Take for instance, my half brother which my sister and I usually only saw at Christmas, funerals or children’s birthdays, posted on Facebook that his divorce was going smoothly. My sister was furious. It didn’t bother me since I have always been more understanding and I had noticed the distance at our father’s funeral, so it did not surprise me. My now ex-sister in law is a lot like me so we got along great and talked regularly through email. But I do have a problem with her Facebook page. It is great that my brother and she have a great relationship, but the post about her, her boyfriend, my brother and their son having outings together are strange. They all are Facebook friends and I think that it is very disrespectful to post pictures of sucking face with the new guy. No matter how amicable a split up is; that would hurt. I guess that if it bothers my brother, then he will un-friend her.

Life in Wyoming is always an adventure. Just last night about 12:30am, our neighbor; that lives up the hill from us, was knocking on the door. It seems that his truck got drunk and couldn’t manage in the snow. He looked so pitiful, covered in snow and no gloves. I think he fell a few times. It was only 15 below zero, no problem pulling him out, right. After about two hours, the steep, narrow and dark road was not helping. Since my husband is away at work, I filled him on the details when he called. When he got done laughing, he stated that it was good for me to keep busy and now Monte (neighbor) and I are even. Two years ago Christmas evening, he had to help me out. My problem was a cigarette. It’s very important to never take your eyes of the road. Trust me; I have seen my share of snow banks.

Now, I am so tired and I have to haul coal to the house while it is warm today. I am trying to be ready for the cold spell. I hear that the excerise is good. Good thing that I got a big bottle of tylenol and a back massager for Christmas.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's been a while......

I finally have time to get back to my rantings. In Wyoming, you never know how the weather will be. So, I have been busy trying to get the house buttoned up before it gets really cold. Luckily, I took the extra time because we just got hit with a lot of snow and below freezing temps.

Now that I am home bound, I have started on my inside projects, mostly painting. I am so tired of looking and drab white walls. I decided to got wild and try out some bold colors. I thought that my husband would freak when he saw the teal walls in the dining room, but he didn't. He said that it looked great with the fish net and antique lures hanging. I guess that I am subconciously trying to bring the ocean into the house. Now, I just need to pick a color for my antique room. Any suggestions?

Even though it is freezing out, I need to start thinking about getting my seeds started for next summers garden. That is if I can get them to start. For some reason, the last several times that I have tried to start seeds, they never sprouted. I have been doing them the same way for several years and it always worked before. Maybe I will have to surf the net for new ideas.
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